Common Questions

  • Q: Do I have to sign up or register to attend A.A. meetings?

A: Just show up. If you have a drinking problem, you are welcome to attend any meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous held anywhere in the world! You don’t need to have a doctor’s note, court order, or bring a drinking resume with you. In order to attend an A.A. meeting all you have to do is show up or log on.

  • Q: How much does it cost?

A: There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership or attendance at A.A. meetings. However, we are fully self-supporting through our own contributions  and a collection basket is passed at meetings in support of the meeting. Members have an opportunity to voluntary contribute towards the expenses of the group (e.g. room rent, coffee, literature supplies, etc). No one, not even A.A. members, is obliged to contribute.

  • Q: Is AA a religious organization?

A: No. A.A. is not allied or affiliated with any religious organization.

  • Q: I’m not sure if I’m an alcoholic. How can I tell?

A: Take the 20 Questions test here. Answer them as honestly as you can. If you are still unconvinced, you are welcome to attend any A.A. meeting to see if you identify with us.

  • Q: I’m not an alcoholic, but I’d like to know more about A.A. Can I attend a meeting?

A: You are welcome to any A.A. meeting listed as an “OPEN” format. Any meeting online or in our directory is open, unless it is designated as closed. In our directory the closed meetings will have a [C] next to the name of the meeting.

  • Q: How do I get a Meeting Verification Slip at an Online Meeting?

A: There are some online meetings where they will take your email address and email you verification of attendance. But if you do not receive this email, you will have no other recourse than to return to the meeting or attend another meeting. If you attend an in person meeting, someone can sign your slip right in front of you.

  • Q: What if I see someone I know at an A.A. meeting?

A: They will be there for the same reason you are. They will not disclose your identity to outsiders. At A.A. you retain as much anonymity as you wish. That is why it is called Alcoholics ANONYMOUS.

  • Q: If I go to an A.A. meeting, does that commit me to anything?

A: A.A. does not keep membership files or attendance records. You don’t have to reveal anything about yourself. No one will bother you if you choose to not come back.

  • Q: How do I become a member of A.A?

A: You are a member if and when you SAY you are a member. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking… and many of us were not even very sure of that when we first approached A.A!